Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday- the start of a new week.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that Sunday is the start of a new week and some things just have to be left behind.

So much going on lately and little bit of a rough week at home with a few things that came up.
Learning that sometimes it is okay to find yourself in the midst of struggle and at the mercy of God's feet.
Then I had one of those breath taking moments at church this morning as Heather sang "What a savior" by Laura Story. The song was powerful and just seemed to move me from within. Its crazy how such simple words can a make difference to your day. I have been repeating the chorus of the song in my head ever since and I can't help but thank Jesus for those encouraging words.
I have so much going on I actually broke down and made a list of all that I had to do. I am finding it quite helpful!
After having art walk this past friday and seeing the interest people had in my work I actually decided to add "session" information to my website. I felt very accomplished to actually decide on pricing and get my website updated. :)
I start a summer school class at OTC tomorrow and will be taking College Algebra four days a week for the next two months. A little excited but mostly nervous. I think once I actually figure out where the classroom is I will feel a lot better. On the bright side I have a teacher's version text book which might be helpful if I need to work backwards from the provided answer.
Really just trying to take a moment to breathe today and remind myself that all will work out in the end. Thankful for some pretty amazing friends who are constantly sharing their love and making my heart a little lighter.
Learning to grow even when I dont understand.
Big thanks to Heather Cherie Photography for the pictures of my art walk display. :)