Most people that know me would probably agree that I have lived a very sheltered life compared to the outside world.
Ask me about TV shows or movies and I will probably have no idea what you are talking about. I never went through that stage of needing to talk on the phone for hours at a time and I used to refuse to go to sleep overs because I was just so used to being at home and alone. I am definitely the introverted child of the family.
As I have gone through high school, I was extremely oblivious to most of what was going on around me. I had never been exposed to drugs or the inappropriate language or partying. And while I am sure I have no idea half of the stuff that goes on it gets harder and harder to ignore what IS going around me.
I have recently been confronted by some friends who are going through a pretty rough situation. Due to some of the choices they were making they found themselves homeless at 17 and without any body they could really trust to turn to. I can not even begin to imagine what it is like to be a teenager, unsure what I am going to do with my life, and find myself without any where to go. I do not agree with the decisions they have made but I knew that I couldn't walk out on them when all their other friends had. I did what I could to help them and then I finally reached a point where I just gave it to God because I knew this was something beyond what help I could offer.
I immediately felt my heart lighten as I knew that God was going to help them. And while I know that God holds them in His hand the help they need is not something that is going to take place with a snap of the fingers. God works through us and of us. So while this may be something only God can do. I also have to do my part in stepping up to carry out what it is that God places in my heart.
There are people all over crying out for help and as I walk further into my walk with God my eyes are opened more and more. I can't wrap my mind around why people would turn to the things of sin in a time of hurt, especially when at one point they were walking with God, but I can reach out my hand to be the connecting link that they so desperately need.
I, at one point in my life found myself in the same place and while I wasn't turning to things that would harm myself or others there was a loneliness in my heart that I needed filled. God has a plan for all of us and part of His plan for me was to provide me with leaders and friends so that I could be led to Him. Now God is calling me to be one of those leaders to others around me.
There will be people that I always look up to and there will be those that look up to me. Its crazy that God could use someone so little and quiet to reach the lost. He may call me to reach one or He may call me to reach 1000. Whatever it is that He calls me to do, I know that He has a plan and He hold our world in His hands. He is making a testimony of my life and those around me.
As I get ready for sleep tonight I know that God is working my life and the lives of those I love.
He is working something big in my sister's heart and while I don't know the details she told me that God is changing how she views the world and all for the better. I have seen him begin to work in my parents lives and even though they are only taking baby steps I know that one days all those baby steps will amount to something big and they will come to know God.
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