Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Its funny how a seemingly normal day can turn into something so crazy.

I can hardly believe that I am going to be a senior next year. Time has flown by and I have no idea what I want to do with my life.
The path I thought I was going to take into college was not the path that God had planned for my. Almost one year ago I retired (quit is such a harsh word) from gymnastics ending my dreams of becoming a collegiate gymnast. As I keep moving forward in life I see that God's plan was to take me somewhere else and use me as I am.
We have started the crazy scheduling process at school and I was absolutely delighted when I found out that seniors have the option to do an internship and receive high school credit. This was the perfect answer to my desire to want to learn more. After learning that the internship was completely student initiated I became a little worried. I had no idea how I was suppose to organize an internship all by myself. So I finally worked up the courage to contact the name I had been given by a teacher. I had met with the man before at a career fair so I thought everything would be smooth sailing. After talking on the phone with him my hopes were far from soaring. I had been bold and actually taken action and I was left with a sinking feeling. He didn't seem willing to take me on because I am not a photography student at the high school. I have been self-teaching ever since the last internship I was promised didn't happen.
So I am looking for a way to get an internship with a photographer for a semester and a teacher for a semester in hopes that this will help me decide what I want to do.
Trying to take a step back and just breathe. For what is meant to be will happen and what is not meant to be wont happen.
My God has it all under control. I dont always understand what He is up to but He is all knowing and He holds the world in His hands.
Having faith, trying not to get stressed out, and looking for answers.