Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Possibilities are Endless

I often see the world flash before my eyes as I am walking the hallways at school. I stand at 4'8" and getting bumped and pushed around is normal as people are easily double or triple my size.

I frequently feel like things are made for someone bigger and taller as everything always seems to be just out of my reach. Whether I am at the library, the store, or even at school I have to find alternate ways to get what it is that I am after. Since I am done growing I have a feeling this is how my life will always be.
Even though I am small it has been made very clear to me that I can still do big things. I am just as capable as anyone around me to make an impact on this world. I can do my part in prayer and show love and compassion to a hurting world.
While some days I feel small and invisible now I know that God has a BIG plan for my life. This world has something to look out for. With God's help anything is possible and I am ready to do my part!
God will use us all in our own unique ways to make the difference He has called us to make.