Sunday, February 28, 2010


So, let me tell you about the people that are in my life. They are all perfectly and uniquely shaped by God! Its so amazing that we have the opportunity to connect with those around us and to see how God uses people to change our lives.

Its a good thing we are not all the same. We wouldn't get anywhere if we all had the same thought pattern. Each and everyone of us sees the world from a little bit different point of view and we all have different advice and thoughts to offer to those around us.
I love listening to others because they often say things that spark ideas and thoughts in my own heart :)
As life goes on I continue to realize value of the people in my life! They are there for a reason.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


This evening I got the privilege of being apart of something so much bigger than myself. So amazing!

A huge emphasis at church lately has been intercession and things are definitely changing as we intercede on behalf of others.
Tonight as I got the chance to respond and pray with a friend who made a decision for Christ I was nearly crying. Which is crazy because I wasn't even the one responding to the alter call. It is absolutely amazing to see how God works in the life of those around us. There were so many decisions for Christ tonight! Heaven is definitely celebrating.
I wish I could put into words all that God is doing in my heart. Even when it seems like the door that I needed to walk through closes I know that He is going to open another door for me.
So excited I am nearly jumping up and down and crying tears of joy!
God has placed a boldness in my heart and He has asked me to step out in faith. Its scary exciting to be led into the unkown. So thankful to have God leading me!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Something BIG

Wow. The last couple days have been incredible.

I had so much fun at college days for James River Leadership College. To think I was so nervous about going through with the decision seems silly now.
I am absolutely worn out from the weekend of activities but I had such a wonderful time. Everyone has such a loving and caring attitude that I instantly felt welcomed. Such a great feeling in a time when you are unsure.
There were approximately 130 students attending JRLC days from all over the U.S. We got the chance to interact with each other. Attend a couple of seminars and sit through one of the New Testament classes.
Definitely a weekend of eye openers. God is moving something so BIG in me. At this moment in time I have no idea how its going to work out.
Stepping out in faith and believing that God will have His way.
I wish I could put into words how big this truly is!! So crazy. So cool. And most definitely God.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

One Happy Heart

Words can not even begin to describe how happy my heart is tonight.

God is raising up leaders in the church and it is so amazing to see how He works in us and of us.
I got the privilege to visit a dear friend today before small group, so my already fantastic mood went through the roof. :) She is such a blessing to my life and I cherish the moments I spend with her as she has so much love and knowledge to share with me.
So thankful for God's timing tonight as I got the chance so bring a friend with me to small group. Seeds were planted tonight and I pray that with God's help I can be the connecting link that they need so they can forever walk a life with God.
Going to bed with a smile on my face, a joy in my heart, and the reassurance that our God is always near.

Oh is fantastic! I am so excited to dance for Jesus and use the gifts He has given me to glorify His name. Can't wait for Fine Arts....hoping to move some people with this dance and I know its going to happen as I let God's light shine through me.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A world that needs God

Most people that know me would probably agree that I have lived a very sheltered life compared to the outside world.

Ask me about TV shows or movies and I will probably have no idea what you are talking about. I never went through that stage of needing to talk on the phone for hours at a time and I used to refuse to go to sleep overs because I was just so used to being at home and alone. I am definitely the introverted child of the family.
As I have gone through high school, I was extremely oblivious to most of what was going on around me. I had never been exposed to drugs or the inappropriate language or partying. And while I am sure I have no idea half of the stuff that goes on it gets harder and harder to ignore what IS going around me.
I have recently been confronted by some friends who are going through a pretty rough situation. Due to some of the choices they were making they found themselves homeless at 17 and without any body they could really trust to turn to. I can not even begin to imagine what it is like to be a teenager, unsure what I am going to do with my life, and find myself without any where to go. I do not agree with the decisions they have made but I knew that I couldn't walk out on them when all their other friends had. I did what I could to help them and then I finally reached a point where I just gave it to God because I knew this was something beyond what help I could offer.
I immediately felt my heart lighten as I knew that God was going to help them. And while I know that God holds them in His hand the help they need is not something that is going to take place with a snap of the fingers. God works through us and of us. So while this may be something only God can do. I also have to do my part in stepping up to carry out what it is that God places in my heart.
There are people all over crying out for help and as I walk further into my walk with God my eyes are opened more and more. I can't wrap my mind around why people would turn to the things of sin in a time of hurt, especially when at one point they were walking with God, but I can reach out my hand to be the connecting link that they so desperately need.
I, at one point in my life found myself in the same place and while I wasn't turning to things that would harm myself or others there was a loneliness in my heart that I needed filled. God has a plan for all of us and part of His plan for me was to provide me with leaders and friends so that I could be led to Him. Now God is calling me to be one of those leaders to others around me.
There will be people that I always look up to and there will be those that look up to me. Its crazy that God could use someone so little and quiet to reach the lost. He may call me to reach one or He may call me to reach 1000. Whatever it is that He calls me to do, I know that He has a plan and He hold our world in His hands. He is making a testimony of my life and those around me.
As I get ready for sleep tonight I know that God is working my life and the lives of those I love.
He is working something big in my sister's heart and while I don't know the details she told me that God is changing how she views the world and all for the better. I have seen him begin to work in my parents lives and even though they are only taking baby steps I know that one days all those baby steps will amount to something big and they will come to know God.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Its funny how a seemingly normal day can turn into something so crazy.

I can hardly believe that I am going to be a senior next year. Time has flown by and I have no idea what I want to do with my life.
The path I thought I was going to take into college was not the path that God had planned for my. Almost one year ago I retired (quit is such a harsh word) from gymnastics ending my dreams of becoming a collegiate gymnast. As I keep moving forward in life I see that God's plan was to take me somewhere else and use me as I am.
We have started the crazy scheduling process at school and I was absolutely delighted when I found out that seniors have the option to do an internship and receive high school credit. This was the perfect answer to my desire to want to learn more. After learning that the internship was completely student initiated I became a little worried. I had no idea how I was suppose to organize an internship all by myself. So I finally worked up the courage to contact the name I had been given by a teacher. I had met with the man before at a career fair so I thought everything would be smooth sailing. After talking on the phone with him my hopes were far from soaring. I had been bold and actually taken action and I was left with a sinking feeling. He didn't seem willing to take me on because I am not a photography student at the high school. I have been self-teaching ever since the last internship I was promised didn't happen.
So I am looking for a way to get an internship with a photographer for a semester and a teacher for a semester in hopes that this will help me decide what I want to do.
Trying to take a step back and just breathe. For what is meant to be will happen and what is not meant to be wont happen.
My God has it all under control. I dont always understand what He is up to but He is all knowing and He holds the world in His hands.
Having faith, trying not to get stressed out, and looking for answers.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A message from God

As I get ready for bed tonight after an amazing evening with friends I am made aware that there are messages all around us just waiting to be heard.

My dad doesn't always say a lot but he said something to me tonight that really caught my heart. The funny thing is he was actually talking about the kitten we are watching for a friend....she is kind of devious and he was joking when he told me I would need the appropriate equipment to find her. He was merely joking as he said this but God helped me to hear the lesson even in the midst of such few words. Sometimes people say things that spark ideas in our heart and maybe that is all part of God's plan. We just have to be open enough and listening so we dont miss even the littlest things that God whispers our way.
My dad told me that we should always be given the equipment needed when we are given a task. It seems that God quietly reminded my heart that He provides us with all the equipment we need to carry out what He is calling us to do.
We are so blessed to have a God who stands by our side and readily places whatever it is that we might need to help others and reach the lost. Sometimes we let fear get in our way so we don't see the help He is offering us, but that doesn't mean it isn't there.
Such a comforting thought that I am taking to heart tonight as I thank God for the wonderful day He has given me.

The Possibilities are Endless

I often see the world flash before my eyes as I am walking the hallways at school. I stand at 4'8" and getting bumped and pushed around is normal as people are easily double or triple my size.

I frequently feel like things are made for someone bigger and taller as everything always seems to be just out of my reach. Whether I am at the library, the store, or even at school I have to find alternate ways to get what it is that I am after. Since I am done growing I have a feeling this is how my life will always be.
Even though I am small it has been made very clear to me that I can still do big things. I am just as capable as anyone around me to make an impact on this world. I can do my part in prayer and show love and compassion to a hurting world.
While some days I feel small and invisible now I know that God has a BIG plan for my life. This world has something to look out for. With God's help anything is possible and I am ready to do my part!
God will use us all in our own unique ways to make the difference He has called us to make.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Something Beautiful

Simple words can often carry big meaning.

Life is "something beautiful" and through its hardships I am learning to stop and appreciate its beauty everyday.
This is also the title to the song I am dancing to for Fine Arts.
A door of opportunity that God has opened for me. Being a shy person who doesn't like attention this is also a really big step out of my comfort zone.
I debated for a long time whether or not I would actually go through with this and at the last minute I felt like God was pushing me to go for it.
Got my dance choreographed yesterday and I am in love with it. It still needs some tweaking and a lot of practice but it will be beautiful once it is done.
I am so blessed to be able to use the gifts God has given me to glorify His name.
More to come on the dancing and the journey God is taking me on.