Sunday, May 9, 2010

So This Is What It Feels Like To Live Life

The last couple weeks of my life have carefully guided by Jesus. I have witnessed Him moving in my life in so many different ways that it just leaves me in awe. That isn't to say that there aren't down moments....they just seem to be easier to get through with Jesus on my side.

Discipleship through the church has definitely made me stronger and I have witnessed how God can use somebody small like me to do big things.

Echo life group is going strong and God has allowed me to connect with some of the students there. I am finding that I have a lot in common with a new friend and I am so thankful that she has come into my life. God has big plans for her and I think he is allowing me to invest in her. It's really cool how by investing in others you also invest in yourself. (I was also given the opportunity to take senior pictures for one the students of my life group and they turned out great!)

Art Walk this past weekend went great. It was such a blessing from God to get the opportunity to show some of my photography and I was even asked to show again next month. So cool! Throughout the night I heard positive comments and everyone seemed to really enjoy the photos. I love that God is allowing me to show the beauty of the world through my eyes.
A new website is up and running @ Some of my work can be found there and as more kinks are worked out more photos will go up.

I am also really excited to have the privilege to be a bridesmaid in my aunts wedding in a couple of weeks. Of course the camera is going with me and I can't wait to see what shots I can get. :)

So many other little moments in my life that are definitely Jesus moments. Even the little things seem to matter so much more as I know they are little gifts from God.

One of those moments being at our life group cook out when one of my leaders sat down next to me and we sat together sharing a quilt. She is an amazing woman of God and I am thankful for her influence on my life.I was especially touched by this small act that might go unnoticed by most but since things like that don't normally happen it is something I will remember.
Everyone needs those extra little moments that shows them they are love and it just goes to show that sometimes it is the little things that touch the hearts of those around you the most. :)