So my counselor and I were discussing Exodus today and how the people keep saying they would have been better off if they had remained enslaved or if they had died. We are a lot like those people. When we see God at work everything is fine...but the minute we don't see Him we get upset and ask why God has left us. I have to say I was a little surprised when she brought up Exodus today as this is what we talked about last night in the prayer service at James River. Anyways, back to the point of this...Once the Israelites made it to the Red Sea they were trapped because Pharaoh had sent an army after them. The Israelites riled against Moses saying their death was certain....Even though the Lord had brought them through so much they still doubted Him. Again we are a lot like the Israelites...the Lord has brought us through so much yet we still doubt Him when disaster or trial comes.
A perfect example of this in my life is the fact that I was born premature. I was born without a heart beat and I wasn't breathing. The doctors told my parents it was likely I wasn't going to live. When I was 2 days old I had a pulmonary hemorrhage and was put on a ventilator for a month. The doctors feared severe brain damage and didnt know how I was going to function if I did by chance make it. So if God could bring me through all that, why is it that I still doubt Him?
Even though the Israelites doubted God He still parted the Red Sea and allowed them to cross. Just as the Israelites made it through the Red Sea collapsed and drowned all the Egyptians. The Israelites were free from Egypt.
Once the Israelites cross the red sea they begin to complain and gripe again...we would have been better off dead and enslaved still. God JUST preformed a huge feat and they once again go back to worrying about how they are going to get food. So God preforms another feat and rains down food from Heaven...but He tells the Israelites to trust Him and not to store up food for He will provide for them daily. Of course they doubt Him and attempt to store up the food. When God says He will provide we are to trust Him and take Him at His word...but sometimes we fail to do this and try to take things into our own hands.
When faced in the wilderness the Israelites continued to complain....the promise land was so close yet they focused on how incapable they were to face the giants. Often our promise land is right there but rather than focus on capable we are through God we say and tell ourselves that we can't do it.
In the end its important to remember that with God all things are possible. He is able and we have to trust Him. We can't go around saying we would have been better off enslaved or dead because God has us where we are for a reason.
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