Monday, July 5, 2010

Would You Rather...

Just for fun!

♥Have an amazing shoe collection or an amazing makeup collection? Shoes,definately

♥Be able to sing or be able to dance? Dance!! I dont particularly like to talk so I am not sure how well singing would go over, besides I love to dance and I would love to learn more. :)

♥Be stranded on a Desert Island or in the Desert? Desert Island but preferably not alone.

♥ Have a Computer or a TV? Computer

♥Wear spots or stripes for the rest of your life? stripes...I have grown to love them.

♥Drink out of a Teacup or a Mug? Teacups.

♥Receive a bunch of Flowers or a box of chocolates? I do like chocolate but flowers are so lovely. I think I would be touched if I received either.

♥Wear Converse or Stilettos? high heels I suppose.

♥Meet Johnny Depp or Robert Pattinson? Robert Pattinson

♥Be a Fairy or a Mermaid? A fairy! I have always loved them.

♥A Coffee or a Cup of Tea? hmmmm. A cup of green tea :) but coffee is good too.

♥Pink nails or Blue nails? Pink.....but if I mix the two would I get purple?

♥Live somewhere sunny or somewhere cold? Sunny. Being little makes it harder to stay warm in the cold. (I sleep with a heating blanket even in the summer because I don't do well with the cold)

♥Have an amazing house or an amazing car?
Amazing house.....perhaps one where I can share the love of Christ with children from different backgrounds (I hope to adopt one day)

♥Be kind or funny?
kind. Kindness is something that touches hearts of many.

♥Eat Sweets or Cake?
Sweets. :)

♥Hold a Tarantula or a Snake?
Neither....I would probably run screaming in the opposite direction.

♥Wear a neclace or a ring?
I have become very fond of rings lately.

♥Laugh or Smile?

♥Wear Pearls or Beads?
I dont know if I would ever find myself wearing them but pearls because they have sort of a vintage touch to them.

♥Have lots of money or lots of friends?
Friends. They are what keep you going through the hard times and there for you in the good.

♥Love or be loved? Both. Love is what makes the world go round and we become loved when we love others.

Feel free to play along! :)