Saturday, July 31, 2010

John 10:10

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Learning that in those moments of hardships it is the enemy trying to knock you down when really we should be holding onto the promises of God not our problems.
This is easier said than done and the enemy knows just how to break us. But God will uphold us in those moments even when we don't realize it. This is not to say that whatever we are going to through will automatically be fixed. It just helps us to change our perspective on how to look at things and set our mind free from the lies of the enemy.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Closer to Love

One of those days where just about everything nearly brings me to tears and it breaks my heart to see friends hurting as well. I just don't understand how we can feel so alone even as we stand in a crowded room and I stand there crying for God to show me love to help me understand. Sometimes life gets hard and we just can't do it on our own. The enemy definitley gets to us when we struggle in the midst of pain and fear.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fuzzy little creatures

My love for owls seems to have taken off in the last several months and when I stumbled upon this photo I couldn't help but to think how cool it would be to have a pet owl and raise it from a baby. Unfortunately it is illegal to do so without a I dont think I will be getting a baby owl anytime soon.
I <3 these little creatures and absolutely love this photo.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Actions say what words never can.

So very tired today but resisting the urge to take a nap in hope that I will sleep through the night. Day dreaming of a nice cool, dark room with a perfect little bed. A place where I feel safe and secure so I could lay down and wake up feeling refreshed and happy and loved. What we dream in our heads is often not reality. So why is it we dream so much?

I should be working on my math homework but since I have absolutely no idea how to do this chapter I find myself thinking. Thinking about things that have nothing to do with math. Just thinking.
If actions say what words never can....what do my actions say?
What do your actions say?
Definitely something to ponder.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


"When it's all said and done no one remembers how far we have run. The only thing that matters is how we have loved." -Blink by Revive-
Remember that it isn't always about where you are running to, but what matters most in that moment is the people you love and the hearts you touch.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The little things

I have definitely been in a little bit of a struggle lately as I have been dealing with some things as home and pain from a hand injury. I have found that its hard to be optimistic when it seems impossible to over come directly what is in front of you. I think little by little the Lord is showing me happiness in the little things.
I had a very bold conversation today with another student in my class about life goals. Most of the students are adults so it was kinda different to have the conversation but I know that it was God using me. Who knew. I am not usually one to talk much so I walked away amazed at the power of God. Its cool how both parties are often affected when God shows up. :)
I also had a little visit to a dear friend last night who I have missed. She always seems to remind me of the simple power of touch and what it means to love in all moments. She is very special to my heart so it was good to see her. Upon arriving home I found myself just having a moment as I sat in the kitchen floor and let my puppy lick peanut butter off my finger. I was hurting so much from the pain that I wanted to cry but I couldn't help but smile at the moment.
Overcoming challenges becomes harder when the enemy know how to get you down. It becomes easier to run from Jesus when really we need him more than anything in those moments.
I have found myself dreaming about a lot of things on my heart lately and I seem to be constantly reminded that one day my impossible will come true by the hands of God. Believing this is from God and I just have to hold onto that for now.
And along the way it really is the little things that keep us going.
Eager to be able to hold my camera again. Ready for some lovely new photos :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Travel Talk

Lately there seems to be lots of talk about travel. Okay well maybe I have had travel on the mind.
I sat with two lovely ladies after church this morning and we talked about travel and places that would be fun to visit. :)
Then on the car ride home my sister and I got to talking about traveling and she mentioned a program she had heard about that she wanted to try. I don't know a lot of information about the program but it is through "People to People" which is an ambassadors program. They host trips to all over the world during the summer and provide students with the chance to grow in leadership and learn about different cultures.
She really had me interested and I could help but think of how fun it would be to do something like this together. Her dream trip would be to Australia and the New Zealand area. I think part of me of me is really excited about traveling for the photography opportunities but many of the trips are also featured around community service projects.
Oh goodness, I think I have gone off an a whim. We have never really ever gone on a family vacation and I think that is why I so desperately want to travel. I guess we will see. I believe that one day my impossible will come true. :) There are so many factors that often say 'no' to something but if it is right and meant to be then it will happen.
The funniest part of it all is I am one of those people who needs organization and routine in my life to function so the lord must be growing something in me to even consider travel...and it has been on the heart a lot lately.
Still dreaming of the beach and wishing I could take a mini vacation there with some friends.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

All the things I am

I am saved because Jesus loved me enough to die for my sins. I am a dreamer because I keep on dreaming even when reality says it wont happen. I am a believer because I know one day my impossible will come true. I am a child of God. I am a daughter to parents who will one day come to know Christ because of my willingness to stand. I am a sister to a sibling who is waiting to be guided. I am a dancer in those moments when no one is watching and I set my heart free. I am small and perfect just the way I am. I am quiet because I hold onto my words in those moments when I want to talk. I am shy because I am waiting for someone else to act first. I am smart because I put forth the effort to learn. I am a gymnast because I love that feeling of flying through the air. I am perceptive and I often take in even the smallest moments around me. I am an artist because I like creativity. I am a photographer and i love the possibility of showing the world the view from my eyes. I am introverted and not ashamed to admit it. I am observant and it is often the smallest of things that touch my heart. I am a planner. I am self-disciplined and I work hard for the things I want to achieve. I am a thinker. I am a friend. I am fragile but gently held together by the hands of God. I am lovable just the way I am.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Just dreaming

Today I had a lovely little meeting with the fabulous Heather about senior pictures. I am very excited from all the great ideas she mentioned. :)
I must still be on one of those day dreaming kicks because I came home thinking about photography....then I found myself thinking about the beach. I have never been but I would absolutely love to go. I can't help but to dream of what it would be like to take a trip to the beach with some friends for my senior trip. (If I have one....I dream about going to France and the beach quite often) Hmm...I wonder what it would take to get a small group of friends down to a beach for a few days of fun.
Yes- I am a dreamer. A quite little dreamer and I believe that one day my impossible will come true by the hands of God.
Looking forward to when I can hold my camera again. A little photography is always good for the soul. :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

God is Able

A new song that I heard at church. I just kept repeating the words of this song over and over to myself today as I had and MRI and blood work for my hand. Went back to the doctor yesterday as the swelling continued to spread to my fingers. There is concern I may have injured one of the bones in my hand and an infection got in. Thankful for these simple words of encouragement through the process and for a tech with a steady and gentle hand. In the midst of pain the Lord is teaching me to appreciate even the smallest of things.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Would You Rather...

Just for fun!

♥Have an amazing shoe collection or an amazing makeup collection? Shoes,definately

♥Be able to sing or be able to dance? Dance!! I dont particularly like to talk so I am not sure how well singing would go over, besides I love to dance and I would love to learn more. :)

♥Be stranded on a Desert Island or in the Desert? Desert Island but preferably not alone.

♥ Have a Computer or a TV? Computer

♥Wear spots or stripes for the rest of your life? stripes...I have grown to love them.

♥Drink out of a Teacup or a Mug? Teacups.

♥Receive a bunch of Flowers or a box of chocolates? I do like chocolate but flowers are so lovely. I think I would be touched if I received either.

♥Wear Converse or Stilettos? high heels I suppose.

♥Meet Johnny Depp or Robert Pattinson? Robert Pattinson

♥Be a Fairy or a Mermaid? A fairy! I have always loved them.

♥A Coffee or a Cup of Tea? hmmmm. A cup of green tea :) but coffee is good too.

♥Pink nails or Blue nails? Pink.....but if I mix the two would I get purple?

♥Live somewhere sunny or somewhere cold? Sunny. Being little makes it harder to stay warm in the cold. (I sleep with a heating blanket even in the summer because I don't do well with the cold)

♥Have an amazing house or an amazing car?
Amazing house.....perhaps one where I can share the love of Christ with children from different backgrounds (I hope to adopt one day)

♥Be kind or funny?
kind. Kindness is something that touches hearts of many.

♥Eat Sweets or Cake?
Sweets. :)

♥Hold a Tarantula or a Snake?
Neither....I would probably run screaming in the opposite direction.

♥Wear a neclace or a ring?
I have become very fond of rings lately.

♥Laugh or Smile?

♥Wear Pearls or Beads?
I dont know if I would ever find myself wearing them but pearls because they have sort of a vintage touch to them.

♥Have lots of money or lots of friends?
Friends. They are what keep you going through the hard times and there for you in the good.

♥Love or be loved? Both. Love is what makes the world go round and we become loved when we love others.

Feel free to play along! :)

Friday, July 2, 2010


While at camp I really felt that God was speaking to me about what He wanted me to do with my life. While sometimes I question whether or not I am good is moments like this that I know He is leading me on the right track.
Photography makes my heart smile! :) So in love with this photo!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lead Me.

Some days there are times that we are so moved by the moments around us the we just stop in awe. Upon hearing the words of this song for the first time I simply sat there trying not to cry. The words of this song just seemed to touch something completely unexplainable within me. Sometimes we truly do need others to stand for us when we can't and in the end it builds us up so that one day we can stand for someone else.